Voter Privacy Information

Voter registration records are considered public information. A list of voters  is available to the public upon request.

Protected Information: Social Security Number, Driver’s License or State ID number, email address, full date of birth, phone number, and your signature. This information is considered protected for all voters and may only be used by governmental entities within their official capacities.

There are three categories of privacy for voters in Utah: Public, Private, and Withheld

Public: Voter registration records are public by default. Information that is available to the  public includes; name, physical and mailing addresses, age range, party affiliation, and vote history. Protected information (see above) is not given out to the public.

Private: Voters may choose to make their registration private at the time of registration ( Information for voters in this category is given out to political parties, candidates, their contractors, and must be used in accordance with the law. Information given to those authorized to access private voter information includes; name, physical and mailing addresses, age range, party affiliation, and vote history. Protected information (see above) is not given to the public.

Withheld: Certain voters may be eligible to make their record withheld. Personally identifiable information for voters in this category is anonymized, but non-identifying information such as physical and mailing addresses, age range, party affiliation, and vote history are provided upon request. Protected information (see above) is not given out to the public.

Voters who are eligible to be in the withheld category are as follows:

•       A person who is a victim, or is likely to be victim, of domestic violence or dating violence

•       Law enforcement officers

•       Individuals protected by a protective or protection orders

•       Members of the armed forces

•       Public figures who have a higher safety risk due to their celebrity status or prominent position (does not 

              include elected officials)

•       A person who resides with a person described above.

Download the withholding request form. For more information, please contact your county clerk